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How to Heal a Cut Tongue Fast

Jun 29, 2023

Tongue injuries are fairly common and can have many causes from something internal, such as biting down on it while eating, or external, such as trauma. The good news is that most injuries are mild and require very little treatment. However, in some cases, they can be serious and require emergency dental treatment.

Dr. Afroz Burges D.D.S, P.A. can treat a wide variety of dental and oral issues, including tongue cuts. If you have experienced trauma to the face and sustain a deep laceration on your tongue, inner cheek/lips, or gums, you need emergency dental services. You don’t need to schedule an appointment ahead of time. Simply call the office and we’ll take care of it as soon as possible.

In this article, we’ll explain some at-home care tips to help heal a cut tongue fast.

First Aid for a Cut Tongue

The very first thing you must do when you cut your tongue is to get the bleeding under control and assess the extent of the damage.

An open wound, such as a cut on the tongue, is susceptible to infection. Therefore, the first step is to wash your hands thoroughly to avoid introducing external bacteria.

Next, rinse with plain water. This will wash away any blood and allow you to get a better view of the cut. If there is something stuck in it, such as a piece of glass or another foreign object, seek emergency treatment immediately. Do not try to remove the object.

Place a clean, sterile piece of gauze on the cut until the bleeding stops. If it does not stop right away, change out the gauze as needed until it does or until you can see the dentist for treatment. You can also use an ice cube wrapped in a towel on it. This will help to stop the bleeding and reduce swelling. If it becomes too painful or cold, you should remove the ice to avoid burning your tongue.

Recovery Tips for a Cut Tongue

The good news is that oral tissues usually heal fairly quickly. For most people, a cut on the tongue heals within a few days. However, there are a few things you can do to make the recovery process easier.

Gargle with saltwater at least twice daily. Combine 1 teaspoon of salt with warm water to soothe any discomfort and encourage the healing process. If possible, swish with saltwater after eating to remove food particles from the cut.

If you have any swelling, try sucking on ice or eating a popsicle, holding it on the cut as much as possible. However, you should only do this about 20 minutes at a time to avoid burning your tongue.

Stick to soft foods that will give you the nutrition your body needs to support healing without causing discomfort. Foods such as mashed potatoes, smoothies, eggs, creamy nut butter, pasta, rice, and other soft foods.

Avoid foods and beverages that can cause irritation. Foods that are dry, spicy, or salty can cause pain due to the cut to worsen. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages may also increase discomfort. By avoiding these foods, you can ease the pain and encourage the healing process.

A dry mouth can increase the pain and discomfort felt from a cut on the tongue. Therefore, you should stay hydrated by drinking 8 glasses of water daily. If you’re active, you should be drinking more. You can add a few drops of lemon or lime to a cup of warm water if it’s more comfortable.

When you cut your tongue, you may have discomfort and/or swelling. If this is the case, you can use an OTC pain reliever as needed. If the cut is serious, the dentist may give you a prescription pain reliever. It’s important to remember that you should always follow the directions and take only the recommended dosage.

Preventing Cuts on the Tongue

While it is true that accidents can happen, there are a few precautions you can take to reduce your risk of experiencing a cut on your tongue:

  • Chew slowly, which can help you avoid biting your tongue
  • If you have braces, follow the safety instructions provided by your orthodontist
  • Do not run while carrying a sharp object
  • Do not use your mouth/teeth as tools to open packages
  • Avoid chewing on non-food items such as pens/pencils
  • Do not bite your fingernails
  • When playing contact sports, wear a mouthguard

When Should You See a Dentist?

How to Heal a Cut Tongue FastIn most cases, a cut on the tongue is minor and only needs at-home treatment. However, in some cases, it can be serious. There are several indicators that you should see an emergency dentist as soon as possible:

  • If your tongue is cut due to trauma and it will not stop bleeding, you may need stitches. If the wound is on the tip of the tongue, you will likely need stitches.
  • If you are experiencing symptoms of shock including dizziness, confusion, uncontrollable shaking, or feeling cold, you may need emergency attention.
  • If the patient is under 1 year old, you should seek emergency treatment. Often, mouth injuries in pediatric patients require more specialized care than in adults.
  • If pain and swelling increase after 48 hours, you may have an infection. This requires immediate attention. The dentist will usually prescribe antibiotics.

If you have a cut on your tongue that is deep or will not stop bleeding, schedule an emergency visit with Dr. Afroz Burges, D.D.S., P.A. We can take care of the cut and get you on the road to recovery.

Dr. Burges offers a variety of family and cosmetic dental services for the entire family, including emergency treatment for dental and oral issues. We are located on Shadow Creek Parkway in Pearland. Our regular office hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Friday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for dental emergencies.



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